Chrissy's testing

Chrissy's testing

Wow! Looking so fun and fresh!

Getting started

To create a page,  we start off with a page template - different layouts for general content pages, news, and events. Then we can drag and drop components to add to the page, until we have the structure we want. 

We can use lots of different layouts 

This means pages can be styled to display content in a way that helps users navigate, breaks bu blocks of text, and shows related pages and resources in a simple and clean way. 

The components are all responsive, which means they will re-format if you're using a tablet or a mobile phone. 

A different style of writing

You'll notice that the tone of voice we use on the new site is very different from the old Canopy. It will be much more direct, straightforward, and easy to understand.

We're using

  • Simple, clear language
  • Inclusive words like "us" and "you"
  • An active voice. 

You also see the page structure will be roughly:

  1. Key messages or calls to action at the top
  2. Supporting information in the middle
  3. Detailed resources at the bottom

We want to ensure users can easily and quickly access the key information they need, and dig deeper into more detailed information if needed, without it clogging up the key messages. 


Nothing really to call out here, but it looks pretty! 

Chrissy Stokes
Acting Product Manager

Related resources

Resource lists are a great way of showing documents (PDFs etc) that are related to the page content. They could be research reports, articles, or anything else that's related and relevant. 

Both resource and content lists can be laid out in a grid (2, 3 or 4 columns) or a vertical list like this one is. Styling for the content list is different depending on the type of content you're showing (event, news or general content). 

Day Time Place
Monday 9am Home
Monday 10am Work
Monday 1pm Pub